Believe this – Hidden and Politically Suppressed Truth of Taj Mahal BBC says about Taj Mahal—Hidden Truth – Never say it is a Tomb Note the veranda is typical Rajput architecture. Inverted water-pots on top. Their number is always odd, 11 in this case, typical of the Vedic system. Notice also the cobra design in pairs below the gallery. Koranic inscriptions were a graffiti added by Shahjahan. Wall decorations as we see here are typical Rajput style. There is also a balcony at first floor level. Note the Trident within the lotus form at the apex. Both of which are Vedic references, the trident being connected with Lord Shiva. You can see blocked doorways and windows where there are several rooms in the 19 foot high plinth. This would be where entrances would lead to many pathways to the rooms within. We are now outside the Cenotaph Chamber. Note how the steps in plain marble break up the designs on the plinth wall. This means that they are not original....